OPT Solutions

Simplifying tech. Streamlining ops. Optimizing success.


Executive strategy from corporate professionals tailored to meet your needs. Realize digital transformation through practical application that helps achieve your mission and vision.

problems this solves for
Competing Priorities
Competing Priorities

Business priorities seem to be at odds with technology resources and operational functions, forcing difficult decisions with large trade-offs.

Stagnating Business
Stagnating Business

Growth has slowed and you can't continue operating at the status quo because costs have gone up, shrinking your bottom line.

Ambiguous Goals
Ambiguous Goals

Employee performance is difficult to assess and employees may be asking how they can succeed or what their performance standards are.

results this delivers
cohesive operating model
Cohesive Operating Model

Connect employees, operations, and customers through a tech-enabled business to align your priorities.

movement in right direction
Movement in the Right Direction

Get laser-focused on your mission and customers to gain traction and create upward momentum.

Concrete Goals
Concrete OKRs & KPIs

Introduce quantitative company objectives that unite your company; translate OKRs into supporting performance targets, to set a clear path towards success.

options to choose from

Customer Satisfaction

How can you improve customer satisfaction AND increase profits?

Customer Satisfaction

We analyze sales and customer support functions to improve customer retention and increase customer lifetime value.

Employee Engagement

How can you increase productivity AND reduce staff turnover? 

Employee Engagement

We work with your employees to remove barriers and help staff succeed so they are more vested in your company's success.
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